
XLocalizer for Asp.Net Core

Asp.Net Core localization, powered by online translation, auto creating resources and more...

LocMan Localization Manager Extension for Visual Studio

Easily copy all localizable texts to resource files with LocMan - Localization Manager

Express Localization

Localizing web apps has never been easy as with LazZiya.ExpressLocalization

Develop Multi Cultural Web Application Using ExpressLocalization

Easily localize all infrastructure of your Asp.Net Core 2.x web application using LazZiya.ExpressLocalization

How to install client side validation scripts

Steps to install cldr-data files that are required for client side validation of localized values as decimal numbers and date

Localization Validation Scripts

Client side localization validation scripts made simple with this tag helper component.

Language Navigation TagHelper

Each multicultural website needs to have a reliable language navigation, here is a simple way to have functional language navigation dropdown for any .Net Core web application

Multicultural Numbering Systems

Most cultures are using the numbers as "123...", some cultures are using different numbers! So, localization of web application may require to localize number system as well.

Localizing Identity Error Messages

In this article we will use a shared resource file to localize identity error messages that appears at user registration, password reminder and role assignment operations.

Client Side Validation

Each culture has different standard of number formatting. Learn how validation of decimals and dates in multicultural web application can be done correctly.

Localizing ModelBinding Error Messages

ModelBinding error message's are similar to ValidationAttribute error messages in terms of validating user input, but they can't be localized in a similar way.

Localizing DataAnnotations

Data annotations are property attributes like Display, Required, StringLength, ...etc. Localizing data annotations made easy with ASP.NET Core 2.1 using shared resource files.

Localizing Views

Localization of razor views using shared resource files and custom localization middleware

Creating Language Dropdown Navigation

Creating a dropdown navigation menu according to supported cultures list, dropdown language menu will help us switch between cultures easily

Localizing Request

Localize request via according to provided route value

Configure Culture Route Model

In a public website, route value is the best option for localization because people must be able to share page links for any selected culture. There is more options like query string parameter, cookie ...

Developing Multicultural Web Application - Startup Project

Creating standard ASP.NET Core 2.1 web application project without authentication for startup

Developing Multicultural Web Application

Developing multicultural web applications is a challenge for many developers, even experienced ones. This article provides step-by-step tutorial for building a multicultural web application starting f ...

Override Required Validation Attribute Error Message

Override Required validation attribute error message with custom error message.

Resource Files For Localization

A short comparison between resource files for localization usage in Asp.Net Core Razor Pages.