Web Development
My web development journey started since 2003 simply with pure HTML websites, then ASP pages and then ASP.NET MVC C#.
I developed my own content management panel (ZPanel) for building dynamic webpages. ZPanel allows the site admin to customize almost every detail in the website, in addition to have the ability of adding multiple languages to the user interface.
In 2016 I created (SELMA - Smart E-Learning Management), online feedback and live quiz portal , SELMA was different from other online feedback and quiz platforms, because it can handle feedbacks and live quizzes in multiple languages in the same session. Feedback module supports traditional feedback forms and academic research forms like consumer segments and personality types. Quiz module offers live interactive quiz sessions, can be used in classrooms, meeting rooms and conventions. SELMA is 100% anonym, no user account no user nickname required to join feedback and quizzes. The project still developing slowly but going further in steady steps.
Unfortunately, currently I cannot offer public online demo for my projects, but it is already in my tasks list. Please contact me if you are interested in any of my projects for live demo session.
Since 2018 I focused on writing tutorials and developing nugets for Asp.Net Core web applications, see below articles for more details:
- TagHelpers (Paging, Enum, LanguageNav, Alert, Localize)
- ImageResize for Asp.Net Core
- Developing Multi Cultural Web Applications with Asp.Net Core
- Developing Multi Cultural Web Application with ExpressLocalization
- see all articles here