Each multicultural website needs to have a reliable language navigation, here is a simple way to have functional language navigation dropdown for any .Net Core web application
Here is a step-by-step tutorial to implement Dropzonejs for file upload in ASP.Net Core Razor Pages, covering the most basic functionalities like drag-drop upload, list server contents, delete files, client side image resize and localization.
Data annotations are property attributes like Display, Required, StringLength, ...etc. Localizing data annotations made easy with ASP.NET Core 2.1 using shared resource files.
In this article we will use a shared resource file to localize identity error messages that appears at user registration, passowrd reminder and rol assignment operations.
Each culture has different standard of number formatting. Learn how validation of decimals and dates in multicultural web application can be done correctly.
ModelBinding error message's are similar to ValidationAttribute error messages in terms of validating user input, but they can't be localized in a similar way.